Palo Santo, also known as Holly Wood is burnt for it's cleansing, healing and empowering properties. When burning it releases a sweet aroma with a lemony pine undertone and is a favored spiritual cleansing wood. Palo Santo, like many aromatic woods has been through a period of over commercialization and harvesting which is why in 2019 we stopped selling Palo Santo for 18 months while we worked on searching for an ethical and sustainable source. We are very happy to say that with the help of google translate, we now stock an ethical and sustainable source of Palo Santo from a small family owned business who employ traditional folkloric practices when working with their Palo Santo. We are also apart of the small selection of businesses here in Australia who are able to say that our Palo Santo is certified by SERFOR for its ethical and sustainability sourcing.
Burning Tips: It is recommended that when lighting your Palo Santo stick, to have it burning for about a minute before blowing out the flame. This will ensure the wood is properly lit and your will get a longer smoking time while cleansing. Once you have finished cleansing yourself and space/home, keep the Palo Santo sick in a dry place ready for the next time you are needing to cleanse.
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